Emotional Detoxing ~ Album
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$ 314.55
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— Have you ever noticed something Psychologist refer to as ‘embodied cognition?’ Have you ever noticed how someone who comes away from an uncomfortable situation might just shake their body like they’re shaking the whole thing off? The fact is, our cognitive content often expresses itself in terms of our feelings. Indeed, if you’re introduced to a new person while holding a warm beverage, you will feel warmer toward this new individual, and the converse of this is true; a cold drink will lead you to cooler feelings toward that new individual.
Why allow others to infect your attitude and spoil your day?
Emotional detoxing is something we all need from time to time. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to just shake the matter off. Sometimes our dealings with others can leave us feeling contaminated and generally uneasy. These situations can occur almost anywhere and with more people than we’re likely to suspect. So, what do we do in order to reclaim our own sense of balance and peace?
If you’ve dealt with the overbearing, the negative, the narcissist, or the emotional vampire and found yourself unable to shed those contaminated feelings, this album is for you. Why allow others to infect your attitude and spoil your day? Act now.
Nine life changing audio programs, utilizing the patented and proven effective InnerTalk technology by Eldon Taylor.
Echo-Tech: Stress Free.
OZO: Inner Peace.
Power Imaging: Well-Being and Esteem.
InnerTalk (in nature): Healing from Invalidation, Overcoming Narcissistic Control, Centering, Serenity, Be Well Stay Happy, and Developing Resilience.
PLUS: Booklet with Quick Start/Affirmation Guide
"I am good. I am liked. I am accepted. I am accepting. Life is good. Life is a miracle. I am a miracle. Living is fun. I enjoy life. I learn. I prosper. I experience personal growth. Good. Liked. Loved. Accepted. Accepting. I am responsible for me. I am caring. I am sharing. I like myself. I love life. I am loving. I am loved. I am secure," etc.
"I am calm. I am relaxed. I am in control. I create my future. I am self responsible. I am patient. I am honest. I am peaceful. I am tranquil. I forgive myself. I forgive others. I am in control. I am positive. I am honest. I am responsible. I am happy. I am confident. I am capable. I can do anything. I am one with the Divine. Honesty is oneness," etc.
"I am calm. I am relaxed. I am in control. I create my future. I am self responsible. I am patient. I am honest. I am peaceful. I am tranquil. I forgive myself. I forgive others. I am in control. I am positive. I am honest. I am responsible. I am happy. I am confident. I am capable. I can do anything. I am one with the Divine," etc.
"I'm okay. I'm good. I'm worthy. I'm deserving. I'm capable. I accept myself. I have learned from my mistakes. Life is a lesson ground. I know I am worthy of dignity and respect. I respect myself. I respect others. I now feel good about me. I choose to be happy. I choose to accept my worth. I am a valid human being. What I think matters. What I feel matters. Who I am matters. I am a gift. Life is a miracle. I am part of the miracle. I love myself. I care for my needs. I respect my being. I let go of the past. I empower today. I live in now. I forgive myself," etc.
"I choose to be free of controlling relationships. I am fee of coercively controlled relationships. I choose to be free of coercion. I reclaim myself. I have reclaimed all those things I like. I have freed myself from limitations. I am free to go and do as I wish. I am free to speak to whomever I wish. I respect myself. I expect to be treated with respect. I deserve respect. I am a good person. I am a whole person. I am a healthy person. I choose to be happy and healthy. I release old feelings of inferiority. I am capable. I am worthy. I am respected," etc.
"I am master of myself. I center my thoughts. I observe my emotions. I am lifted by my spirit. I am peace that passeth understanding. I see good in all. I experience good in all. I am eternal. I learn without resistance. I have all I need to be happy now. I am happy. I live in joy. Life is wonderful. Only beauty surrounds me. Love and beauty are all there is. All is us. Everything is oneness. I am always where I am. That is where I am supposed to be now," etc.
"I am relaxed. I am safe. I am calm. I remain calm and composed. LOVE is what I am. I am a gift. I am grateful for the gift. I am blessed. I accept the Divine plan. The Universe is purposeful. I am serene. I acknowledge the good in all. I am non-judgmental. I am caring and sharing. I am loving. I am compassionate. I am detached from worldly woes. I recognize the illusion. Only the eternal is real. I invest myself in the eternal. I am infinite wisdom. I am infinite composure. Serene and calm," etc.
"I am strong and healthy. My body is wise. My body heals itself now. My body optimizes itself now. My body is a miracle. My cells are conscious. My mind and body cooperate. Health is mine now. Healing is natural. I release fear. I release self-punishment. I choose health now. My life is a miracle. I allow and accept the miracle. My body normalizes itself now. My body compensates as necessary to produce perfect health now. My cells are amazingly resilient. All of me loves and accepts all of me now. I am calm. I am at peace with myself. I love life. I am positive and confident. I choose to be optimistic," etc.
"I am strong. I recover quickly. I am resilient. I spring back quickly. I overcome obstacles. I overcome tragedy. I remain strong. I remain confident. I am optimistic. I am positive. I adapt. I am free of stress and anxiety. I relax. I live in now. I think positively about the future. I have goals. I pursue my goals. I enjoy living. I am decisive. I like learning about myself. Life is a miracle. I am a miracle. I am hopeful. I am trusting. I am grateful. I have a gratitude attitude. I learn from the past. I have a positive expectation. I am truly resilient," etc.
InnerTalk subliminal self-help / self-improvement programs feature pleasant, easy-listening music or nature sounds that are specially mixed with positive background affirmations on the chosen self-help topic. InnerTalk programs are extremely easy to use. You can simply play them in the background on any regular stereo player while you are working, driving, relaxing, reading, playing sports, even sleeping or watching TV.* The InnerTalk subliminal technology is patented, proven and guaranteed. More Information
When your self-talk changes, so does the reality you experience!
*Please note: There are some obvious contraindications. You would not play a program such as High Energy while sleeping, or a program such as Sleep Soundly while driving.
Echo-Tech programs are designed for use once a day when there is time to just sit and relax, usually at the end of each day, and are designed for headphone use only. In addition to the InnerTalk subliminal affirmations, Echo-Tech also uses a special mix of three-dimensional sounds, tones and echo-effects that stimulate positive and highly receptive brain states. We refer to this as subliminal hypnosis.
Also featured is an audible narrator who provides powerful, but supportive, verbal coaching.
Many users report using Echo-Tech for its sense of warmth and love.
The echoing effects and other soothing sounds and tones, along with the three-dimensional sound patterns, help synchronize the left and right hemispheres of the brain, allowing the program to create powerful, long-lasting impressions that will make a big difference in your life! More Information.
OZO programs are designed for use once a day when there is time to just sit and relax, usually at the end of each day, and are designed for headphone use only. In addition to the InnerTalk subliminal affirmations, OZO also uses a special mix of three-dimensional sounds, tones and echo-effects that stimulate positive and highly receptive brain states. We refer to this as subliminal hypnosis.
Also featured is an audible narrator who provides powerful, and forceful, verbal coaching.
Many users report using OZO for its "kick-in-the-butt" approach.
The echoing effects and other sounds and tones, along with the three-dimensional sound patterns, help synchronize the left and right hemispheres of the brain, allowing the program to create powerful, long-lasting impressions that will make a big difference in your life! More Information.
Power Imaging combines the InnerTalk subliminal affirmations with a complex, audible, guided imagery program. Power Imaging does not simply create a scene where you picture yourself succeeding; it assumes an underlying reason for your previous inability to succeed and works at both uncovering the source of the problem and in discovering the solution.
Let Power Imaging take you on a true voyage of self-discovery!
Power Imaging audio hypnosis programs require 45 minutes of eyes-closed imagery sessions. Simply close your eyes, put your feet up and enjoy the experience. More Information.
CD Album - A162CD
MP3 Album - A162E
MP3 Flash Drive - A162F
(For detailed information on our different technologies and how to use them, please visit our Technology Guide.)
InnerTalk subliminal programs can be played in the background as you go about your day and at night while you sleep. (*Please note: There are some obvious contraindications. You would not play a program such as High Energy while sleeping, or a program such as Sleep Soundly while driving.)
OZO, Echo-Tech, Platinum Plus, Power Imaging, and HPP programs require the use of headphones and focused attention. Do NOT use any of these technologies while driving or operating machinery.
OZO offers an after-burner authoritarian approach while Echo-Tech is soothing and supportive.
Power Imaging is a guided imagery/hypnosis program that assists you in discovering the cause of your issue and your personal solution.
Using several different sound technologies, Platinum Plus has been called a shortcut to the many years of training normally required to obtain states associated with advance meditation.
HPP programs use a double induction hypnosis process.
Video Entrainment programs do not require the use of headphones but still should not be used while driving or operating machinery. These programs. uses both audio and visual subliminal affirmations.
Libraries, Albums, Collections, and Sets combine several complementary titles and technologies. The more focused you are on a particular goal, the quicker you will achieve it.
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Please note that downloadable orders are non-returnable, non-exchangeable, and non-refundable. If you would like to make sure our technology works for you before purchasing, you may obtain a free copy of Forgiving and Letting Go by subscribing to our free InnerTalk InTouch e-newsletter.
We recommend you keep a backup copy of your orders as, after your initial order download, there is a nominal charge for new download urls. More info.
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