Testimonials - Page 4
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From Losers to Winners

"Your tapes made the difference!"
~ Coach Mike Price
formerly at Weber State University Football Team
For 13 years, Weber State University's football team was at the bottom of their league. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't break their losing streak. Then Eldon Taylor made a series of special InnerTalk programs at the request of Coach Mike Price. The programs were played in the locker, training, and weight rooms, and on the road. Like magic, the team started winning game after game, going from last place to winning their league's Big Sky Championship.
"Thanks for helping our program succeed for a second straight year."
~ Gerald Carr, Football Coach, Weber State University.
Sleep Soundly
"I'm writing to tell you how absolutely delighted I am with the results I've had from the Sleep Soundly program. For the last nine years I've slept approx. two to three hours a night. After five weeks of using the CD for one hour per day, I was sleeping from ten till seven! I have to say I was skeptical as to whether it would work, (my husband was totally skeptical). I first read about InnerTalk in The Daily Mail, and decided to give it a try. I'm so pleased I did. I now play the CD softly through the night, a couple of times a week. Thank you so much, I can't tell you the difference it has made to my life to be able to sleep well again."
~ Chrissie Perry
Powerful Memory
"The Powerful Memory program is so very good. Despite not managing to listen for the recommended time, it is having an effect. A number of times in the past few days I have found lost items that have defied being found—even though I emptied cupboards, drawers, coat pockets, etc., they still remaining lost. Suddenly they have been discovered exactly where my inner mind reminded me where I had put them. I was truly amazed, and each time this happened I gave thanks to the InnerTalk program, and most importantly my inner mind."
~ Doreen Fell, Wrexham
End Procrastination/Safe Driving
"I know I am going to have a better year, because, since discovering InnerTalk programs, my state of mind has improved no end! End Procrastination—I love it! It's really fantastic, and so powerful! I'm using InnerTalk and OZO and they are both powerful to me. It seems that within a few minutes of playing this program, I really want to get on and do things . . . amazing! I have benefited considerably from Safe Driving. I find I am more aware. I'm still learning, and I suppose you can never be too aware on the road. I am generally enjoying driving a lot more than before I had this program, and am gradually gaining confidence behind the wheel."
~ Nadia Bazkorvany, Richmond

Freedom from Fears
"My little boy had been bullied in school last term, and he had a fear of going to school. He listened to the program only three times since they arrived and this morning he went off to school without a second glance. I feel very relieved and very grateful all at the same time. Thank you."
Ultra Success
"I noticed a difference in three days. I was chattering away to myself in that usual "Am I good enough?" way, and this booming voice came into my head and in no uncertain terms told me I was! Well, that made my chatter-voice shut up!"
~ Shazzie - rawcreation.com
Soaring Self Esteem
"My son Ian has is the past suffered terribly from being bullied at school. We started using the CD and I am so pleased to tell you that he not only doesn't have any problems with bullying he is confident, happy and his grades have shot up. Thank you."
~ Joan Lewis, Cambridge
Learning for Examinations
"I had to write to tell you about my daughter's success. My daughter, Georgia, is dyslexic and, although we believe in her capabilities, she was not thought sufficiently academic by her school to pass her 11+ exam. As she dearly wanted to go to grammar school, we decided to use every method in our power to enable her to pass. As a family we are committed to different approaches to learning and recognize the ability of the subconscious to promote learning and memory. When I saw a feature on InnerTalk products in a national newspaper I contact you immediately. It was just six weeks before her exam, and you promised to rush your product to me, which before you duly did. We played Learning for Examinations every night while she slept, and the result is she has amazed everyone by not only passing, but also with above average marks. There is no doubt in my mind that your product played a significant part in this. I would just like to say a big thank you."
~ Mrs. Karen Mannering, Kent
Attracting the Right Love Relationship & Manifesting Your Vision
"I am working on a couple of areas of my life and have finished a bad relationship without any emotion and I am meeting much nicer people now. I will let you know when anything develops further but I am not in any hurry. Over Christmas, when I had some spare time, I wrote a list of goals I wanted to achieve. One of them was to write a song. Over the next few days I made myself attempt it but I found it difficult and gave up. At three am one morning I woke up with lyrics to a song in my head. At first I tried to ignore it but when the works kept coming I found a pen and some paper and started to write (I didn't even switch the light on, I was still half asleep). Several time I thought I had finished, but then more verses came! There I went back to sleep. When I woke I thought it had been a dream. Then I found the scribblings I'd made. It seems to be a good song too. Now I just need to think of a tune and I will sell it!!"
~ Sue Sweene
Cancer Remission/ Powerful Immune/Weight Loss Now - "
"My husband has terminal secondary cancer and was given 2-3 months to live in May. He is not only still going strong but also improving each day. I saw an article about your programs in The Daily Mail and I am convinced the Cancer Remission and the Powerful Immune programs together with other treatments have helped him not only survive but enjoy life. We have just been away for a week and I have played your programs in the car all the time. That is the wonderful thing, they can be played at any time and we both enjoy the relaxing music. When I am on my own I listen to the slimming program and although trying to eat less is hard for me your programs are certainly helping. Many friends and family will be receiving CDs from me this Christmas. Thank you."
~ Mrs. Faith Munn, Solihull, West Midlands
Positive Mental Attitude

"I tried the Positive Mental Attitude program as I had recently been in a very negative state of mind. Also, just before starting to use the program, I went down with a serious infection, with some very unpleasant symptoms. After using the program for a short while, I felt a lot happier and more positive—and this despite the fact that I had not recovered from my illness."
~ G. Maton
"I would just like to say that I think your web site is awesome. I have been doing allot of searching on the Internet for subliminal programming/persuasion and by far InnerTalk has the best detailed explanation about the technology you use and how it works. Your site is easy to navigate and the info and credentials listed would make anyone feel secure in getting the genuine article. I must admit that no other site goes more into detail about the product they are selling and that's what I noticed most about your site. Anyone can put up a site selling subliminal programs, but are they the real deal? And with your background and years of experience that I have researched I truly believe that InnerTalk is the real deal. Thank you for putting allot of effort in not just your product, but in your ability to explain your technology and a very in depth web site about subliminal programming. I know where I will be ordering my subliminal programs and CDs from—InnerTalk."
~ Bill
Neat and Tidy
"Your program Neat & Tidy makes routine drudgery seem novel and nice. It helped me during a move."~ Ann Hickey, San Francisco, CA
Freedom from Fears
"For many years I have suffered from a variety of physical ailments and unexplained fears. I had tried various therapies but had very limited success. I ordered the program on Freedom from Fears (among others) and let me tell you, my day to day experiences are so much richer. I actually smile at people now."~ Tanya Anthony, New York, NY
Junk Food
"My favorite program is Freedom from Junk Food. After listening for a week, I went to the grocery store and discovered that the junk food was no longer a magnet that drew me to it. To my surprise, I am able to pass it by. Thanks InnerTalk!"
~ Mary Allen, West Monroe, LA
Weight Loss

"I ordered the weight loss program and lost 9 pounds in 7 days!"
~ Sheryl Shaffer, Lamoyne, PA
"I lost 14 pounds listening to the Echo-Tech and OZO (verbal coaching) weight loss programs. I feel like a new person. My husband and I are going to the Bahamas for our anniversary and I bought all new clothes for the trip."
~ Patricia Zimmerman, Alden, NY
"My husband was diagnosed with brain cancer and given only 9 months to live. He used your health programs day and night and is now cancer-free. His doctor says it's a miracle."
~ Carol Thornbury, Traverse City, MI
"I used your Freedom from Arthritis program. The pain is gone from a severe hip problem and I've been able to cut way down on my medication."
~ R. Burg, Van Nuys, CA
Shyness, Insecurities, Finances, and Health
"Thank you for providing such a valuable resource for positive change. Your programs have helped me overcome shyness, insecurities, financial constraints and ill health. I listen to at least one hour of InnerTalk everyday."
~ Eric Schrantz, Bellevue, WA
Attracting the Right Love Relationship
"I am so pleased with the program Attracting the Right Love Relationship. Everyone around me seems so much nicer - friends, clients and even my ex-husband."
~ S. Vickers, Sebastopol, CA

"After listening to your programs, I can interact with others with much greater self-assurance, and people who have not known me for long find it hard to believe I am shy!"
~ Charlene St. Onge, Grass Valley, CA
Weight Loss, Junk Food and Exercise
"Your programs are like gold to me! I was overweight, a junk food eater, never exercised, a complete mess. I've listened to my programs (approximately 4 years now), and they have helped me more than anything. I listen all night on auto-repeat. Thanks so much."
~ Phyllis Hoga, Warren, OH
"Simply put, your programs (of which I have many) are the BEST! They're a quality-of-life enhancer, before sleep relaxer, character builder and personality modifier. Thanks!"
~ Pam Goss, Bethelehem, CT
"I believe in you Mr. Eldon Taylor. I believe in your products and you have convinced me of the power of subliminal technology. Before I was skeptic, now I am a believer!"
~ Jasper T. Suquila
OZO and Omniphonics
"Loving your products,have used them for ten years now, OZO is the ultimate, followed by Omniphonics."
~ Stuart Goodship
"I have already obtained several of your programs in Mexico and am enchanted with the results. I would be glad to know how I can obtain them here in E.U.A. Thanks."
~ Senaida Gonzales